November 19, 2018

Mother’s Role in Child’s Health.

Pregnancy is a time during which an offspring develops inside a woman. This is a new beginning with thousands of mind-blowing thoughts.

Being pregnant is a pretty tough gig. You're trying to grow a whole other person, you're tired, your feet hurt, and you're a little scared about the big changes you know are coming.
Jennifer McGuire

A mother always in concern of a healthy pregnancy to have a healthy birth. She keeps caring of her meal, the weight, medicines, vitamins and the exercise. After the challenging nine months of time the mother gives birth to her baby.

The mother is the responsible of the health of the newborn in his/her toddlerhood, teenage and the adulthood.

Here are some important tips for a healthy life of a child:

Maintain a balanced diet

A balanced diet contains proper portions of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, fibre and water.

Encourage your child to take healthy food.

Carbohydrates fuel your body and fight disease.
They are found in potatoes, cereals, bread, pastas, beans and dairy products.

Fats absorb certain nutrients and maintains your core body temperature.
They are found in meat, whole milk, butter, cheese and tropical oils.

Proteins are an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin and blood.
They are found in cheese, eggs, fish, meat, milk, nuts and beans.

Vitamin A helps form and maintain a healthy body tissues and vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium. Vitamin B6 helps form red blood cells and maintain brain function.
They are found in liver, fortified cereals, darkly colored orange or green vegetables (such as carrot, sweet potatoes and pumpkin). Orange fruits (such as apricots, peaches, papayas and mangos).

Minerals are used to build strong bones to transmitting nerve impulses, some minerals are used to make hormones or maintain a normal heart beat.
They are found in dairy products, leafy green vegetables, bananas, raisins, broccoli and soy food.

Fiber is important for our digestive health and regular bowel movements.
It is found in the skin of fruits and vegetables, soy milk, oat bran, barley, nuts, seeds and dried beans.

Water is essential for cells function properly, transport of nutrients and regulate the body temperature.
Rehydrate your body by drinking more fluids and eating food that contain water.

Outdoor play

Let them play outdoor at least an hour a day. It develops muscles strength and coordination, and gain self-confidence.

Get them early to bed

Healthy sleep is important for a child. Sleep disorders may lead to behavioral problems such as ADHD. It will make the child irritable, and moody or even angry.

Involve in physical and mental development activities.

Art, Dancing, Music, Hand crafts and painting activities make them fun, develops the ability of creativity and boost self-confidence.

Family outings with children.

It strengthens the family bond and let you communicate with the children about their day to day issues.

Reduce the intake of sugar, salt and oil.

The people with high sugar, salt and oil consumption are at risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and some cancer.